You are controlling an ant colony in an ant simulator, each ant has needs and can be told to collect certain resources. The catch (to stick with the theme) is that the larger your ant colony grows the more unwieldy it becomes to manage and the resources costs for each, building, upgrade, technology costs a % more based on how many resources you have above the base cost. There are a number of other hidden mechanics that also play into that same theme with regards to each ant needing to consume resources or collect them.

There are 4 resource types:

  • Sugar: The main source of ant food
  • Water: Everyone needs water too!
  • Protein: This helps you upgrade worker ants into soliders
  • Fungus: Mostly used for technology or mutation upgrades, but also used to create Alates (breeding ants)

The World map is made up of a series of colony, waypoint and resource nodes strung together in a path that ants to travel automatically to and from.


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(1 edit)

I think the html5 version is sort of busted[viewport size is wrong]. Also the download is plain exe, which doesn't work.

Thanks - First time ever using itch and doing ludum dare - still trying to iron out the bugs with the submission process